Take Action
Help us keep the magic of the Red Desert, the true heart of West, alive.
We welcome volunteers and new members to our group. Please join us!
Wyoming’s Northern Red Desert is a vast, unfenced area of public lands made up of wild areas, buttes, desert mountains, colorful badlands, sand dunes, and other important lands connecting vital wildlife habitat for western Wyoming.
The area is also home to important Indigenous cultural sites, historic trails like the Oregon Trail and Pony Express route, the world’s longest mule deer migration, a rare desert elk herd, and the largest concentration of Greater sage-grouse in the West.
This rugged and iconic wild landscape is also a tremendous asset for Wyoming’s outdoor recreation economy. Run the Red and many other backcountry opportunities including horseback riding, mountain biking, hunting, ATV riding in designated areas, hiking, and camping make the Red Desert a special treasure for Wyoming and the nation.
This year, we are asking all runners, volunteers, and members of the public to help our efforts to protect this area by telling your desert story here. Your personal testimony will be shared with elected officials as we build support for future legislation.
Write Governor Mark Gordon and tell him how you value this special place, and urge him to keep the Red Desert wild for future generations.
If you want to learn more, feel free to browse through the rest of our website to learn about the diverse values and scenic wonders of the Red Desert
To learn more about the annual Run the Red footraces and to register for 2021, visit runthereddesert.com.